HNG i8. Just another HNG??

It's that time of the year again, where thousands of developers gather to compete against and learn from each other. Its time for HNG. HNG is a program organized by Mark Essien to challenge developers to work on real life projects. This year HNG Is done in conjunction with Zuri and Ingressive 4 Good.

This is not my first time entering HNG. My first time I didn't have any skill in particular and was hoping to learn in the program. I didn't go far as HNG isn't a program that will spoon-feed you. It is a very fast paced program and I couldn't keep up with that pace at that time.

This year it's different. I've spent a good part of the year learning backend with node.js and working on projects. I hope to finish the HNG program and be among the finalists that wear the HNG shirt(At least for bragging rights : ) ). That being said I know it won't be an easy task. But I'm ready to put the work required to achieve this feat. I also plan to connect with the many amazing developers and designers that will be on the program with me, learn new things from them and put those things to use in my career and development.

Stage 1 submission: Github:
Figma tutorial:
Git Tutorial:
Javascript tutorial:

Learn more about Zuri: